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The Lion Who Thought
He Was A Sheep
Resource Activities
🦁 For endless hours of fun and games with yoga, meditation, and many more timeless stories like this one, join The Knower Club.
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Dictionary Meanings
1. Lion
• Sanskrit word for lion
• boldness and fearlessness
• long hair
2. Saffron
• a yellowy-orange colour
• the autumn crocus flower which grows mainly in northern India
• a special and rare spice that is extracted from this flower
*In the national flag of India, 🇮🇳 the top band is the colour saffron, indicating the strength and courage of the country.
• a female sheep
• a male sheep
Suggested Discussion Questions
What did you enjoy about the story?
Why did Kesari believe that he was a sheep?
Why do you think the other lambs were afraid of Kesari?
How did Kesari find out who he really was?
Why do you think Kesari wasn’t afraid of the lion, the king of beasts?
Did Kesari think he was a sheep when he was asleep?
Was Kesari the same or different after he roared?
What remained the same with Kesari after he roared?
Is there something in you that always remains the same?
What is unique about you?
Knower Meditation on Breath
00:00 / 02:08
Word Power
anthropomorphism (an-thruh-puh-mawr-fiz-uhm)
• The attribution of human characteristics or behaviours to an animal or object.
Word Cloud
King; majestic; power; brave; powerful; magnificent; king of beasts; courage; roar; yellow eyes; fearsome foe;

Sheep Code
We must never go off on our own,
and never go out at night alone.
Stick together, leave no one behind
that is how sheep have peace of mind.
We must avoid lions to stay alive
that is the way our flock will survive.
Remember these rules, even in sleep,
then we will be the very best sheep.
Write a poem to describe your own Code of behaviour.
Your poem can be as long or short as you like.
It can be just two rhyming lines.
🦁 For endless hours of fun and games with yoga, meditation, and many more timeless stories like this one, join The Knower Club.
🦁 Check out our book on how to teach yoga and meditation to children, The Knower Curriculum and its companion book for children Timeless Tales.
🦁 For more Brave Kids activities, Click on this Link:
listen to the story
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